Stomacare Support Zambia is an organization whose objective is to provide free Ostomy bags,Accessories and information in Zambia for people living with ostomy condition in supplementing the government’s efforts in helping Ostomates to live at least a normal life style.

To provide Ostomy bags, Accessories and information for people living with ostomy condition, helping them live at least a normal lifestyle.
To see a society where ostomates are able to interact freely with other members of society without thinking about their condition

To achieve the above stomacare has a robust program of providing Ostomy bags, supplies and information as of October 2021 we have distributed over 300000 Ostomy bags and supplies to Ostomates in Zambia at the Cancer Disease Hospital, UTH, Levy Mwanawasa Teaching hospital, Copperbelt, Southern Province, Mongu, Mansa Kalindawalo General Hospital in Petauke, St Francis Mission Hospital In Katete , Chipata General Hospital, Chavuma, Livingstone Teaching Hosipital
And Numbers are increasing every day